P90X – It begins

Another awesome update on my review of P90X.
Yes, it’s actually Saturday, but play along.
For those that are new here, I’m doing a review of P90X. This is an unbiased review. We purchased, at full price, the DVD’s. We are in no way, shape, or form being compensated for what you are about to read.
Getting started
The first thing to understand is that you need more than just the DVD’s and a player (and a t.v.). The list looks like this:
- Heart rate monitor – The more you spend, the better the quality, and the more bells & whistles. Get as good as you can afford. I’m using a MioSPORT. It has a stop watch, and monitors HR. That’s pretty much all you need.
- Tape measure – This is so you can get baseline measurements of your body. You’ll also need it for the fitness assessment (see below).
- Scale – Obviously you’re going to need to know how much you weigh.
- Chin-up bar – Pull-ups are a big part of this program. We have an Iron Gym bar that cantilevers in the doorway. It is easily put up/taken down, and causes no damage to the doorway.
- Dumbbells – You can also use resistance bands. I’m partial to the dumbbells, so that’s the route I’ll be taking. I may use bands (we have a few around) for a change of pace. I’ll be using our Bowflex Selecttech adjustable dumbbells.
- Yoga blocks – I think these are optional. Since we don’t have any, I’m not going to worry about it. Same goes for the push-up stands that are mentioned.
The fit test
P90X is not intended for the beginner. Beachbody (the makers of P90X) have minimum recommendations. I will break that down below, as well as how I did on each. Start with a 10 minute warm-up. You can do jumping jacks, jog in place, etc. I did some light Fartlek intervals on the treadmill (I chuckle every time I say that).
- Pull-ups – Hands facing forward. Hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Hanging at full extension, pull the body up to bring the chin up to the bar. Minimum is 3 reps for men, and 1 rep for women. I did 2. That’s not a show stopper.
- Vertical leap – Standing with my side against the wall, I reached straight up. 86″. Taking one step back, I jumped straight up. 100″. Vertical leap = 100 – 86 = 14 inches. Minimum vertical leap is 5″ for men, and 3″ for females.
- Push-ups – With a throw pillow on the floor to touch my chest on, hands at slightly wider than shoulder width. Minimum for men is 15, and 3 for women. I did 31 reps.
- Toe Touch – Sitting on the floor, knees straight, bend at the waist and touch your toes. If you can’t reach, have somebody measure that distance. If you can reach beyond, measure that distance. Reach should be no less than six inches from your toes. If you can reach beyond, that’s even better. Having not stretched, I was able to touch my toes.
- Wall Squats (Sits) – Back against the wall, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and start the timer. Put your hands at your side, and wait. The timer ends when your butt touches the floor. The minimum is 1 minute. I made it to 2 minutes 30 seconds.
- Bicep Curls – The minimum is 10 reps with 20 lbs. for men, and 10 reps with 8 lbs. for women. I chose 30 lbs., and eeked out 21 reps.
- In & Outs – I’ve always hated these things. Sitting on the floor, feet on the floor with knees bent, hands on the floor at your sides. Lift feet off of the floor, and straighten your legs (keeping feet off of the floor). The minimum is 25. I managed 38.
The workout
On Monday I will begin doing the workouts. The program includes three different workouts (Classic, Doubles, and Lean). I will be doing the Classic program.
Stay tuned.
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July 24, 2010 at 12:35 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, 90xconnect. 90xconnect said: P90X: P90X – It begins http://bit.ly/bQ3O3B […]
July 24, 2010 at 2:00 pm
Looking forward to this journey. We can celebrate when we all go out for Steph’s 30th birthday 10/1!
December 14, 2010 at 8:04 am
[…] back at the end of July, I started training with P90X, and chronicling the progress for you, our […]